Characteristics of Battered Women
A common psychological effect of domestic abuse is denial that it's actually happening. According to Women's Rural Advocacy Programs, this happens when the victim refuses to admit, even to herself, that there is a problem in her marriage or living situation. Other symptoms of denial include offering excuses for visible bumps and bruises, excuses for why her husband is committing violent acts and believing that such instances will not happen again.
Distrust of Others
A common characteristic of a battered woman is being untrusting of others, even those that are close friends or family members. This is because of fear. When you're being beaten by the one that is supposed to be closest to you, you're afraid to let anyone else close to you out of fear that they might do similar things to you. It's also out of fear of future beatings if the batterer becomes aware that the victim is speaking to others about the situation. This can lead to isolation and depression.
Physical Signs
The most telling characteristic of a battered woman is a physical sign. These may include bruises, cuts and other injuries that are a direct result from an abusive situation. Battered women typically make up an excuse for the injuries and usually don't seek treatment out of fear that someone might find out about the situation. It's also common for women to hide injuries with makeup and clothing.
Domestic violence disrupts a woman's life and routine. If a woman is frequently late or absent for appointments, work or school, it could be a sign of violence within the household. Another sign is if the woman makes up various excuses and appears nervous when she arrives. In instances of more severe beatings, the woman may even take time off work for an extended period so coworkers don't become suspicious of her injuries.