How to Increase Milk to Store
Things You'll Need
- Breast pump
- Fenugreek
- Blessed thistle
- Red raspberry
- Brewers yeast
Keep your body well hydrated. Keep your body hydrated and well fed while breastfeeding. Drink a glass of water each time you breastfeed your baby. This should total at least eight glasses per day. Consume 1,800 nutritious calories each day.
Breastfeed your baby frequently. Nurse your baby frequently throughout the day and night to keep the milk supply up. Feed your baby eight times every 24 hours, for the first few weeks. Write the feeding times in a journal to monitor.
Offer both breasts for every feeding. Feed the baby from both breasts at every feeding. Keep the baby awake during feedings by removing his socks or gently blowing air on his tummy. Alternate breast used to start feedings. This will keep supply up on both sides, as the baby will suck more vigorously at the beginning of each feeding session. Switch breasts mid-feeding, if the baby is falling asleep and switch back to empty each breast.
Masssage helps the hind milk let down. Massage the back breast tissue, close to the chest, to help release the fatty hind milk. Squeeze the back of each breast and gently rub the tissue in a downward motion toward the nipple. Lay a warm compress at the top of each breast to encourage let down.
Avoid nipple confusion. Avoid the use of pacifiers and bottles before the baby is two weeks old. Give your baby practice at developing her nipple latch and mastering the sucking method, don't confuse her with artificial nipples.
Pump milk between feedings. Express milk with a breast pump when your baby is four weeks old if this is your first baby, or sooner for subsequent babies. Pump between feedings to allow time for the hind milk to build, but try not to compromise the baby's next feeding. Pumping milk in the middle of the night will signal your body to produce more milk to keep up with the demand.
Herbs and teas help increase supply. Take herbal supplements to increase milk production. Ask your pediatrician about fenugreek, blessed thistle, red raspberry and brewers yeast, which are commonly used to increase milk supply.
Stay relaxed and steal away for a few quiet moments by yourself. Stay relaxed and well rested. Nap when the baby naps. Ask for friends or family members to take older children for special outings. Enjoy this time, as it goes by so quickly.