Possible Factors That Contribute to Cellulite
Cellulite is that pesky cottage-cheese looking pocket of skin that seems to multiply around the thigh and buttocks area. Several key factors can spur the formation of cellulite, and those with cellulite often try in vain to rid their body of it. Numerous products on the market promise to get rid of cellulite; however, this is not possible without understanding the root causes so that you can change habits that might be contributing to it.-
Weight Gain
Weight gain is one of the most common factors that contributes to the formation of cellulite, although it isn't a problem exclusive to heavier people. When you gain weight through the accumulation of extra fat, some of these fat deposits get caught between the cords that connect skin to muscle, which is what causes the dimples in the skin. The more weight you gain, the more fat exists in your body to get trapped in areas common for fat deposits, which are the buttocks, thighs and abdomen.
Sometimes, cellulite can't be helped, no matter how much and how hard you work out and eat right. In these instances, your genetic makeup may be to blame. If you are genetically predisposed to cellulite, that may contribute to the fact that you have it. In these instances, you might be able to minimize cellulite, but not rid your body of it completely.
Retaining Fluid
Fluid retention may also contribute to the formation of cellulite on the skin. This has to do with the fact that the extra fluid in your body can help transform subcutaneous fat cells into those dimply pockets of cellulite, explains Health Insiders.com. Fluid retention may be caused by an underlying health condition, such as high blood pressure, or hormone imbalances.
Menopause knocks many of the functions of the body out of whack and can spur the formation of cellulite. Not only does menopause cause hormonal imbalances, which can then cause fluid retention, but also it causes changes to the very structure of your skin. This combination of factors can make you more susceptible to the formation of cellulite.