How Can I Ask Questions on Women's Health Websites?
Things You'll Need
- Computer withInternet access
- Valid email address
Find a women's health website that allows you to register or join a community, since that is the simplest way to ask questions. WebMD, Women's Health and Healthy Women have features which allow you to register for a free account or ask a question with an email address.
Register for a free account on WebMD by entering your first and last name, email address, birth date, gender, zip code and choose a user name. For Women's Health, you will need to enter your email address, choose a user name and password and provide your birth year to create an account. Both sites allow you to sign up for newsletters to receive regular information from their sites.
Join the women's health community on WebMD by clicking on the WebMD Community box in the upper right hand corner of the home page. Click on the Women's Health community and choose the topic that relates to the question you have (you may need to click "See all Women's Health Communities" to find what you desired subject). Click the orange "Post Now" box and choose discussion from the drop down menu. Type your question in the box and click post to place it on the community board to be answered.
Click on the "Ask a Question" link of the Healthy Women page, located toward the middle of the webpage with a purple header bar. You will need to enter your email address and select a category for your question, such as contraception or menopause. Type your question in the box provided and enter the Captcha letters shown in the box below your question. Click on the "Send Question" box to ask your question.
Click on the "Tell Us" link located under the Women's Health heading. This will take you to a sound-off page where you can click "Ask WH Your Questions" on the right hand side of the page. Enter your question in the box and press submit. Your question could be answered in an upcoming issue of the magazine or online.