How to Get Rid of Feminine Odor Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Unscented soap
- Tea tree oil
- Purified water
Shower and shave regularly. Use non-scented soap on your vagina at least once a day and shave the area near your vaginal opening to keep it clear of infection and bacteria.
Avoid using a douche product as they can remove the healthy bacteria in your vagina that keeps it healthy and clean.
Change your tampons and sanitary napkins regularly during your period. Try to change it every four hours to keep the area clean and smelling fresh. Avoid using scented tampons as they can irritate your vagina which causes infection and odors.
Eat yogurt every day to introduce good bacteria into your body and decrease your chances of getting a yeast infection.
Wear cotton underwear on a regular basis. Save your lacy underwear for special occasions only as they can irritate your vagina and cause infections that lead to odor.
Clean your vagina with a mixture of tea tree oil and purified water at least once a week. Add two drops of tea tree oil to one cup of purified water and apply to your vagina with a cotton swab or cotton ball. Tea tree oil contains antibacterial ingredients which helps reduce feminine odor.