How to Spot Baldness in Women
Women who find that their hair is thinning and that they are going bald are often quite alarmed at the changes in their hair. Searching for signs of baldness and attempting to take preventive measures often helps a woman feel more in control of the situation. Discussing the possibility of baldness with a doctor also helps a woman to feel as if she has some say in what happens to her hair.Instructions
Wash your hair and check to see if a lot more hair comes out of your head than usual. Look at the shower drain to see the amount of hair on the drain. This often is a sign that you are starting to go bald and is a good reason to have your potential baldness checked out by a doctor.
Comb your hair after the shower and check for any patches of skin that were not visible before. If you are a woman and your hair is coming out in clumps, you will notice the change in the thickness of your hair.
Feel your scalp for bald spots. If you are a woman and losing your hair, you might not notice it until you touch your scalp because the bald spot is on the back of your head.
Examine your hairline to see if it is slowly receding. A receding hairline is a good indication that you are going bald. The hairline will be farther back than you remember, and the spots on your hairline that indents above your temples also will be farther back.