How to Perform the Labial Traction Technique
Things You'll Need
- Protective gloves
Sit the patient on an examination chair with stirrups. Have the patient place her feet in the stirrups if possible. If the patient is too small or the stirrups make her uncomfortable, put her in the prone knee-chest position.
Ask the patient to breathe in and out normally as you perform the labial traction technique. Talk her through each step so that she knows what is going on. Use age-appropriate language.
Pull the labia back gently, using the left hand for the left side and the right hand for the right side. If the patient is in the correct position, you should have an adequate view of the hymen. If not, and the patient is uncomfortable, the view can be obtained by having her hold her knees against her chest.
View the vagina externally and internally for abnormalities such as lesions, inflammation and discharge.