How to Cleanse the Body of Yeast Naturally
Consume probiotics. Probiotics are living microorganisms, similar to microorganisms found in a human's stomach. Healthy bacteria is a probiotic. Probiotics combat yeast and increase gastrointestinal health. You can find probiotics in rich foods such as yogurt. Look for Lactobacillus and Bifdobacterium in the ingredients.
Introduce more enzymes into your diet. Most are combined with probiotics. They aid in the fight against yeast but do die once you cook the food. You can find enzymes in raw fruits and vegetables.
Reduce sugar in your diet. Refined sugars encourage the growth of yeast in the gastrointestinal area. Exclude foods such as bread, crackers and pasta for a limited time.
Try grapefruit seed extract. This bitter and acidic liquid derives itself from the grapefruit seeds, pulp and membranes. Add several drops of this extract to your foods and drinks every day. You may want to dilute it with 4 oz. of water, as it has a bitter taste. You can find grapefruit seed extract at many health food stores.