How to Naturally Combat an Estrogen Imbalance
Eat foods that contain phytoestrogens, which are estrogens that occur naturally in plants and are non-steroidal. Foods that contain phytoestrogens include soy beans and soy products, flax seed, tofu, sesame seed and a host of other foods. Phytoestrogens can supply your body with natural estrogen, which is important for perimenopausal women and those who are fully menopausal because their estrogen levels have dropped significantly, which can negatively impact their health. Phytoestrogen benefits include the possible reduction of breast cancer; heart disease; extra antioxidants; prevention of bond loss; and easing menopausal symptoms. However, there are some doctors, including Dr. John Lee, who contend that soy can stimulate the growth of cancer cells in the breast like natural estrogen, particularly if there are not adequate levels of progesterone in the woman's body to protect her from the risk. Consider all aspects before deciding on a plan.
Eat foods that contain diindolymethane or DIM, which promotes the proper metabolism of estrogen as well as promotes bone and skin health, weight loss and protection for the heart. Foods that contain DIM include kale, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and broccoli.
Avoid highly processed and high-fat goodies because these foods contain chemicals that have a detrimental impact on your hormone levels. If your hormones are already fluctuating wildly, do not make the fluctuations worse by eating the wrong foods.
Eat fresh vegetables and fruit and drink lots of water. Go easy on the salt, particularly if you are retaining water. Likewise with the caffeine: If you are feeling anxious and agitated you don't need to be further fueled by ingesting caffeine.
Combat high estrogen levels. When estrogen is dominate you may experience headaches, migraines, irregular bleeding, anxiety, breast tenderness and weight gain, which are the same symptoms you experience when estrogen is low. Avoid xenoestrogens to help reduce your estrogen levels. Xenoestrogens disrupt the hormonal balance and are carcinogenic. Unfortunately, they are everywhere. We are exposed to xenoestrogens via pesticides on livestock feed, which we ingest when we eat their meat. Be particular about the food you eat.