How to Obtain a Flat Belly
Do crunches. Lie down on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor, hands behind your head with elbows out to the side. Do not allow your elbows to move forward when you are executing the crunch. Devise a routine that includes single crunches -- up one count, down one count -- and then segue into doubles -- up two counts, down two counts -- and proceed to four-count crunches -- up two-three-four, down two-three-four. You can also hold the crunch for several counts when you are in the upright position, which really works out your stomach. For example: Up two-three-four, hold two-three-four, down two-three-four.
Try Pilates. This type of exercise tightens, strengthens and defines your mid-section -- your powerhouse or core area. Pilates is quite challenging, but you can get the hang of it and will see the results in your mid-section in no time.
Do pelvic thrusts. Lying on your back, with your arms straight down beside your body and your knees bent, slowly lift up your pelvis. Your buttocks come up off of the floor and you can press against the floor with the palms of your hands. Your chin will sink into your chest. Your upper back remains on the floor. Hold this position for five seconds. Lower and then repeat the pelvic lifts.
Participate in cardio workouts; this will help you burn the fat that is in your belly. Build the muscles in your stomach by doing crunches.
Bend to the side, which works out the frontal plane of your stomach, and then bend to the front, which exercises the sagittal plane. When you twist at the waist, this works out your transverse plane. These exercises will help flatten your stomach, notes