How to vanquish saddle bags
Engage in target toning, which means that you work out specific areas of your body, such as your thighs, glutes and hips. Do squats and lunges. The combination of cardiovascular work and strength training can assist you in losing fat that has accumulated on your outer thighs, resulting in saddlebags.
Do yoga. Yoga results in a more flexible lower body and helps you lose fat that accumulates on your thighs. Yoga tones and tightens.
Work out with a medicine ball because this will help you tone your body while losing body weight simultaneously. Lie on a mat with both legs lifted and bent at the knees with the medicine ball positioned in between your knees. Hold the ball in this position by pressing inward with your knees. Now lower both legs to the left and then lower them to the right. Stretch your arms out to the sides. Attempt to keep your shoulders and your back on the floor or as close to the floor as possible when you lower the ball to the right side and to the left side.
Try Pilates. This form of exercise improves body alignment, your strength and flexibility as well as lengthens your body, which gives the illusion of being thinner and leaner.