Tips on Hot Flashes
Stay Cool
Dress in clothing that will keep you cool. The Mayo Clinic recommends layering clothing so that when you feel too hot you can easily remove layers to cool down. Avoid tight fitting and restrictive clothing. These trap heat in and become sticky and uncomfortable when you sweat. Loose-fitting cotton clothes allow your body to breathe freely and dry quickly. Confirm that your air conditioner or fan is working. If not, crack a window at night.
Maintain the Right Diet
You diet has a huge effect on how you experience hot flashes. Certain food and beverages trigger the flashes while others calm them. Drink plenty of water and eat water-rich fruits and vegetables because sweat from hot flashes can leave you dehydrated. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, spicy food and smoking. These dehydrate your body and can trigger more hot flashes.
According to Newsworthy, "exercise helps to decrease hot flashes by lowering the amount of circulating FSH and LH and by raising endorphine levels." FSH, LH and endorphins are hormones produced by the pituitary gland. When the ovaries stop producing eggs, FSH and LH levels rise, which induce hot flashes. Many women find relief and relaxation in activities like yoga, swimming, biking and walking.
Deep Breathing
Deep abdominal breathing can help reduce the effect of hot flashes. Breathe in slow, concentrated, deep breaths for 15 minutes. Do this once in the morning and once in the evening before bed. You can also use the breathing technique if hot flashes wake you up, or throughout the day to calm them. This form of meditation helps calm the mind.
Holistic Remedies
Many herbal remedies rich in plant estrogen may help reduce the effects of hot flashes. These are soy, ginseng, licorice root, red raspberry leaves, black cohosh, spearmint, motherwort, red clover, chasteberry, wild yams and evening primrose oil. Supplemental vitamins E and vitamin B6 have helped some women reduce the effects of hot flashes, as have meditation and acupuncture.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
If your symptoms are severe and interfere with your lifestyle, investigate hormone replacement therapy. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) replaces estrogen, progesterone or both. Depending on your medical history, your doctor will prescribe which is appropriate for you. Non-hormonal medicines also reduce the effects of hot flashes. Some of these are gabapentin, antidepressants and clonidine, as well as some mild sedatives. Consult with your doctor before making a decision on any of these medications. They are strong and can have adverse effects on your health.