How to Dislodge a Stuck Soft Instead Cup
Sit on the toilet with your knees spread apart. Sit back as far as you can so that any fluid that spills from the cup will fall into the toilet.
Take a few deep breaths. Relax your vaginal muscles.
Insert your index or ring finger into your vagina. Feel for the rim of the Softcup immediately behind the hard ridge formed by your pubic bone.
Hook your finger underneath the rim, as if you were going to puncture the cup from the outside, just below the rim. Don't worry -- it won't puncture.
Close your finger, as if making a fist, and pull the cup toward your palm. Bear down, if necessary, to help push the cup toward your hand. If you aren't able to move the rim, it may have formed a suction seal that you'll need to break.
Move your finger around to the side of the cup rim and instert your fingertip between the top of the cup and your vaginal wall. Allowing even a tiny bit of air to enter will break the seal. Try again to remove the cup by hooking your finger under the rim.
Alternate between attempting to break the seal and trying to remove the cup until you're able to slide the rim under your pubic bone and out your vaginal opening. Take a short break after every couple of tries, if necessary, tol help you relax.