Basics to Female Personal Hygiene
Use mild soap and water to clean your genital area. Clean between the folds of the labia, as well as the anus, and avoid perfumes and scented lotions. The "Health Information Advisor" reports that perfumes and scented lotions can break down the genitals' natural barrier, and douches can disrupt the acidic balance of the vagina.
When urinating or having a bowel movement, always wipe from front to back. According to the article, "Personal Care and Hygiene -- Genital Care for Females," bodily waste can increase bacteria in the vagina and urethra, causing vaginal or urinary tract infections.
Wash frequently with mild soap and water when menstruating. Change your tampons every four to six hours, and change sanitary pads every two to four. reports that changing tampons regularly will help eliminate odors as well as reduce the risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome.
Sexual Activity
Wash your genitals with mild soap and water after intercourse. Use protection to help protect against STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases), and make yearly appointments with a gynecologist.
Wear undergarments with a cotton crotch and change them daily to help in pulling moisture away from the body. According to, you should avoid wearing tight jeans, pants or panties as they tend to hold in moisture, which creates a breeding ground for bacteria. Sleep without underwear to promote the natural drying of your genitals.