How to Ease Your Menstrual Cramps
Take over-the-counter medicines that contain ibuprofen or naproxen sodium. Over-the-counter medication will ease the contractions and lighten the flow. Follow dosage instructions on the packages and take the medicine as soon as you start feeling the symptoms. Menstrual cramps are usually at their strongest during the first couple of days of your period. Symptoms can start as early as two days before your period.
Incorporate exercise into your day. Exercising on and around the days of your menstruation will keep stress and cramps at bay. Cardiovascular exercise is ideal to get the heart rate up. You can run, swim, bike or use the elliptical trainer at the gym. Ideally, you should exercise all month long.
Take a birth-control pill. Birth control pills have hormones that lessen your flow and reduce cramps. If you decide to try this, consult with your doctor, who will need to write you a prescription. Follow your doctor's directions exactly for taking the pill.
Maintain a healthy weight by including nutritious foods in your diet. Include fiber-rich and whole-grain products, vegetables, fruits and foods low in sugar and salt. You want to avoid gaining fat, which produces estrogen. If estrogen levels in your body are unbalanced, they can cause uterine cramps.
Use heat to fight cramps. Heat is comforting and relaxes your muscles. You can place a heating pad on your lower stomach or you can soak in a warm bath.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine because these can make cramps worse. Drink water instead to help keep your hormones balanced.