What Is Reduced Uteroplacental Perfusion?
The term "reduced uteroplacental perfusion" means a reduction in the flow of fluids to and from the placenta. This leads to a condition called endothelial dysfunction, in which the flat cells that line the blood vessels are damaged, causing arterial thickening and hardening. The result is hypertension, which can lead to pre-eclampsia, a life-threatening condition for both mother and child.
RUPP may result from stress, medications, nicotine, anesthesia or diabetes. In a 2004 study published in "Biology of Reproduction," Cindy M. Anderson and colleagues list growing evidence that pre-clampsia is not the cause of RUPP, but rather that pre-eclampsia is the result of it.
A study published in "Biology of Reproduction" states that rats induced with reduced ueteroplacental perfusion passed on the tendency for the dysfunction to two generations.
RUPP has more than one consequence. Aside from pre-eclampsia, the condition may be a factor in low birth weight due to a reduced flow of blood and nutrients to the fetus.
RUPP may have its origins in early pregnancy, so regular checkups may help identify potential problems before they develop.You may be at risk of developing pre-eclampsia caused by the condition if you experience abnormal weight gain in a short time.