The Long-Term Effects of Domperidone

Domperidone, sold as Motilium, is a medication some women take to help increase their production of breast milk. There are several documented side effects of long-term use of the drug, and knowing these effects will help you determine if the medicine is appropriate for you. Issues like cramps and headaches can occur in some women.
  1. Headaches

    • Chronic headaches are the most commonly reported side effect of prolonged use of domperidone. The headaches are usually minor but can last for hours, although they are not typically as painful as migraine-type headaches. They are often reported to subside when the dosage of domperidone is reduced. Drinking extra water while taking the medication can also help reduce the risk of painful headaches.

    Abdominal Cramps

    • Abdominal cramps are a loss commonly reported side effect of the extended use of domperidone. These cramps mirror those that women experience before or during menstruation, and are typically more painful at higher doses of domperidone. Aspirin can reduce the pain, though women should always consult with their physician before combining medicines. A hot-water bottle or heating pad placed over the stomach can also help reduce the pain of these cramps.

    Dry Mouth

    • Dry mouth or xerostomia is commonly reported by women using domperidone. The effect is like that of prolonged beverage deprivation or cotton stuck in the mouth. Drinking more water can help reduce the symptoms of dry mouth, as can brushing your teeth more often. Also, reducing the dose of domperidone you're taking can reduce the feeling of dry mouth or eliminate it altogether.

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