How to Donate Ovary Eggs
Things You'll Need
- Fertility medication
Preliminary Steps to Become a Donor
Find a local egg donation center by visiting a website such as The Fertility ProRegistry Network. Visit your local center and fill out an application and screening questionnaire. The questionnaire will aid the center in obtaining vital information about you.
Attend a consultation meeting with the donation center during which the donation process will be explained in detail.
Complete a physical and psychological health screening at the donation center. This may include a full physical examination and mental-health testing, as well as blood and genetic tests.
Egg Donation Cycle
Inject the fertility medications given to you by the donation center as instructed by medical personnel. These medications increase the number of eggs that will mature in an ovary during your cycle.
Monitor your cycle carefully, and be sure to visit the donation center for any required appointments. Daily appointments may be required for blood testing and ultrasounds.
Cancel any activities that you would normally participate in on the day that your eggs will be collected so that you can rest after the procedure.
Report to the donation center on your scheduled retrieval day. You will be sedated for the procedure, which takes approximately half an hour. During the process your eggs will be removed using a needle guided by ultrasound.
Rest in the recovery room for about an hour before being escorted home by a friend or family member.