How to Speed Up Metabolism for Women
Things You'll Need
- Whole grain breads
- Lean protein
- Dark green leafy vegetables
- Fruit
- Walking shoes
- Weights
- Water
Eat a breakfast full of whole grains and lean protein. Eat a healthy, low-fat breakfast daily. Sleeping deprives your body of food and slows down the metabolism to adapt to your current weight. Do not skip breakfast; eat a breakfast full of whole grains and lean protein to help speed up your metabolism.
Increasing activity levels is the best way to speed up your metabolism. Exercise at least three to four times per week. Increasing activity levels is the best way to speed up your metabolism during and after exercise. Begin by walking, and as energy and strength increase add more exercises for greater results. Include 30 minutes of physical activity in your daily routine by climbing stairs, gardening or walking the dog.
Small meals decrease the need to snack on fattening foods. Eat five or six small, healthy meals daily to keep your energy levels up and speed up your metabolism. Small meals help burn more calories and decrease the need to snack on fattening foods. Digesting, absorbing, transporting and storing food burns more calories and accounts for 10 percent of the calories used each day.
Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does. Include strength training in your exercise regime by working out with weights to help counteract muscle loss. Muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does, and muscle mass is a key factor in increasing your resting metabolic rate. Combine aerobic exercise with resistance training for optimal fat burning and to speed up your metabolism.
Eat fewer high-fat foods daily. Eat fewer high-fat foods daily. Choose healthy lean proteins, fish, dark green leafy vegetables and fruit to help speed up your metabolism. Include high fiber and water in your diet and limit foods high in sugar, alcohol and caffeine.