Symptoms of Endometriosis in the Bowels
Painful Bowel Movements or Urination
Pain with bowel movements or urination is one of the most common bowel symptoms of endometriosis. The pain stems not from endometrial cells growing on the intestine itself, but rather irritation from endometrial implants growing on structures adjacent to the intestines. Pain with bowel movements and urination will typically worsen around the time of menstruation.
Diarrhea and Intestinal Cramping
Prostaglandins are hormonelike substances released from the endometriosis implants and uterus during menstruation. They cause smooth muscle to contract, which affects not just the uterus, but can also cause painful contractions in the bowel. Diarrhea and intestinal cramping can result.
Constipation and Rectal Bleeding
Occasionally, deep endometrial implants in adjacent structures can cause bowel symptoms like constipation and rectal bleeding. Constipation is normally the main cause of rectal bleeding in patients with endometriosis. Endometrial implants in the large intestine can also result in rectal bleeding as waste passes through. Rectal bleeding usually appears before and during menstruation. Painful bowel movements are also associated with endometriosis.