Foods to Avoid During Morning Sickness
No Grease
Greasy foods are a big problem for your stomach when you have morning sickness. In order to digest the fat from the grease, your body has to produce more bile, which is never a good thing on an upset stomach. Avoid greasy fatty foods such as bacon, fatty red meats or pork or fried foods.
Lower Your Acid
Acid is another thing to avoid if you suffer from morning sickness. Orange juice and other fruit juices, as well as some sodas, are loaded with natural acids which can lead to stomach upset even in non-pregnant women. Stick with water or milk, or alternatives such as soy milk.
Spicy is Not Good
Although you may love spicy food, and even crave it, eating it when you suffer from morning sickness is asking for trouble. The spices in the food can irritate your digestive tract, causing a bad situation to quickly become worse. Try and stick with bland foods and avoid peppers, hot sauce or other "hot" spices.