What Are the Causes of Lack of Energy in Women?

Women experience persistent fatigue more often than men, according to the Medical News Today website, A lack of energy can often be caused by busy lifestyles that leave too little time for an appropriate amount of rest. In addition to hectic schedules, fatigue in women can also be caused by physical, mental and emotional problems.
  1. Anemia

    • Anemia is diagnosed when blood test results show too few red blood cells in the body. Anemia can occur in women due to blood loss related to menstruation, childbirth or uterine conditions such as polyps and fibroid tumors. Anemia can also be caused by nutritional deficiencies of iron or vitamin B12. A characteristic symptom of anemia is lack of energy or fatigue.

    Thyroid Problems

    • A woman with hypothyroidism may notice she has a persistent lack of energy. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces inadequate amounts of thyroid hormones. This slows down metabolism, which in turn causes fatigue.

    Too Much Caffeine

    • While caffeine is a stimulant, too much caffeine can actually cause a lack of energy in some women. If a woman continuously consumes large amounts of caffeine, the body will experience an effect opposite to stimulation. She will actually feel more tired than if she were to stop drinking caffeine altogether.

    Stress and Depression

    • Stress and depression both can cause a women to experience lack of energy. Fatigue is a prominent symptom in women who are depressed. Women who are under excessive amounts of stress often have trouble sleeping, and this sleep deprivation can also cause a lack of energy.

    Poor Physical Fitness

    • Women who are underweight and women who are overweight may experience a lack of energy. In addition to inappropriate body weight, a poor diet and a lack of exercise can cause a woman to feel fatigued.

    Sleep Problems

    • Issues related to sleep can cause a woman to feel a lack of energy. Not getting enough sleep because of stress, a crying baby or other reasons can lead to sleep deprivation and a woman feeling tired all of the time. Sleep apnea, a condition in which an individual stops breathing at moments when sleeping, can also cause a woman to experience fatigue during the day.

    Undiagnosed Illness

    • An undetected heart condition or heart disease can cause a woman to feel as if her energy is lacking. Fatigue can also be a symptom of a urinary tract infection (UTI); a woman may have a UTI even if she has no obvious urinary symptoms.

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