Foods That Exascerbate Hot Flashes
Spicy Foods
Unfortunately for women that enjoy their salsa with a kick, spicy foods are a known hot flash trigger. Tone down the jalapenos in your favorite Mexican recipes and avoid adding too much chili powder and cayenne pepper to your dishes.
Hot Foods
If you've been indulging in hot, spicy bowls of jambalaya, your food's been packing a hot flash trigger double punch. Foods served at a scorching temperature are likely to cause hot flashes and make them feel worse when they hit. That doesn't mean that you can't enjoy your favorite tummy-warming dishes on a cold winter day. Just give your meal some time to cool down and eat it warm rather than very hot. recommends keeping a glass of ice water close at hand while you enjoy your favorite meal. Sip steadily to avoid overheating.
This pep-inducing chemical can also bring on your hot flashes, and it's not just found in your morning cup of joe. Unfortunately, chocolate also contains small amounts of caffeine, as do some teas. Avoid coffee-flavored desserts and opt for herbal or decaffeinated teas. Monitor how your body responds to chocolate. The caffeine in cocoa might not be enough to bring on a hot flash, but you might have to cut back if you're sensitive to caffeine's effects.
Refined Carbohydrates
According to the website Women to Women, refined carbohydrates can increase the frequency and severity of hot flashes in some women. Doctors advise that you stick to whole grains for better health anyway, so this finding provides further incentive to lay off the white bread, white pasta and other bleached grain products. Stay away from high-sugar treats, and choose unprocessed foods. According to, factory manufactured and packaged food products often contain high levels of refined carbs, exactly what a woman worried about hot flashes doesn't want.