How do I Lose a Lot of Weight in a Short Time?
Fast and Healthy Weight Loss
Determine the exact goals you wish to achieve and then calculate these goals into your lifestyle and workout regiment. Understand weight loss as a mathematical formula: burn more calories than you take in. Three-thousand-five-hundred calories comprise a pound of body weight; therefore, you must tailor your eating and exercise habits to burn a commensurable amount of calories to the amount of weight you wish to lose.
Form an eating plan that is accommodating to your daily life but one that also only allows you to intake 1,050 to 1,200 calories a day. Abiding by this intake routine is key to weight loss. Depending on your present eating habits, this will approximately create a new diet that is functioning at a 500 calorie deficit of your previous diet.
Increase your water intake. Replace most if not all of your fluid intake with water. Water stimulates the digestive system allowing food to move through you body quicker, increasing your metabolism. Drink water during meals, frequently taking sips after bites. This will suppress your hunger by filling you up quicker with a healthy and fast burning substitute to unnecessary calories.
Incorporate a high-intensity interval workout into your daily routine. Intense exercise is the quickest way to eliminate unnecessary body weight. Low intensity workouts such as walking or regular housework are great lifestyle choices, but should not fulfill the role of your workout. A high-intensity workout is one where you push your body to its maximum energy output for the longest period of time. This is best done in interval workouts. Intervals of sprinting, biking or swimming at your highest effort are followed by intervals of the same exercise at a slower recuperating pace. High-intensity workouts burn maximum calories during exercise but also stimulate the metabolism so that calories continue to be burned throughout the rest of the day.
Determine which diet and workout routine fits best with your daily life. Calculate your daily calorie intake and subtract the amount of calories you are burning from your exercises. Remember that a pound of body weight is composed of 3,500 calories and incorporate this into your weight loss time frame. With commitment you can lose weight quickly and healthily.