How to Lose Weight on the Tummy Using Home Remedies
Eat More Protein
Statistics have shown that diets that are higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates than the FDA's food pyramid recommends can result in weight-loss more targeted to the abdomen, according to The Facts About Fitness. They recommend eating protein with every meal.
Eat More Fiber
While it might seem odd to add bulk to your diet, fiber is a great way to decrease your appetite and purge your body of excess toxins. A snack that is high in fiber, like an apple or some bran cereal, can help you stay full between meals.
Cardiovascular Exercise
According to the Mayo Clinic, you can't spot-reduce fat on the abdomen. However, toned abs will be visible once body fat is reduced. Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to speed up metabolism and burn extra calories, helping to reduce fat on the body. You can do this at home by running, jogging or following an aerobics video.
Strength Training
While cardio is a great start, losing weight around midsection is greatly accelerated by strength training. Strength training builds and tones muscles, which in turn burn excess fat on the body, especially around the midsection. All you'll need to weight train at home is light hand weights or even heavy objects like canned food. You can also do tummy-toning exercises, like crunches, to help build and tone the abdominal muscles.