Reasons for a Woman to Be Losing Her Hair
Body Chemistry
Hair loss in women can be caused by hormonal and other chemical changes in the body. Anemia and a diet too low in iron can cause women to shed excessive amounts of hair, as can thyroid issues. Overactive and underactive thyroid problems can both trigger hair loss. According to CNN heath, there are more than 290 different medications that can cause women to shed hair, including some blood thinners, antidepressants and beta blockers. Some women notice shedding during menopause when estrogen levels drop, and shedding is common after pregnancy. Fortunately, hair shedding caused by all of these things can be reversed in about six months when the cause of the hair loss is identified and addressed.
Styling Damage
Certain hair styles and treatments can damage hair and cause hair loss. Traction alopecia is the technical name for hair loss caused by pulling on or putting pressure on hair. Pigtails, tight ponytails, cornrows and tight hair rollers can all cause traction alopecia. Traction alopecia can be reversed if corrected early but can lead to permanent hair loss if it goes on long enough to create scarring. Chemicals and heat can also case hair loss. Hot oil treatment, perms, flat-irons and hot rollers can all cause hair damage and loss.
As they age, both men and women may experience hair thinning and baldness. This is hereditary and is the most common reason for hair loss, according to CNN Health. This hereditary hair loss due to aging occurs because fewer new hairs grow as the scalp ages. The new hairs that do grow also tend to be thinner with age than they were in youth. While men usually experience this type of hair loss in the form of receding hairlines and bald spots, women notice thinning hair around the crown of the head and may experience thinning over the entire scalp . Hereditary hair loss can not be completely prevented, but there are treatments available that promote the growth of stronger hair follicles.