About California Low-Cost Women's Health Insurance

California has several options for low-income women needing health insurance. Medi-Cal, the state's version of Medicaid, offers care to women who meet certain income guidelines. Both the federal and the state government fund Medi-Cal, which each county operates through its welfare office. For pregnant women or those with specific types of cancer, other options exist.
  1. Eligibility

    • Low-income women living in California over the age of 65, under the age of 21 or who are pregnant or disabled can apply for Medi-Cal. Women caring for a child under the age of 21 because the child's parent has died or lost his job can also apply, as can women enrolled in the welfare program CalWorks. Medi-Cal targets people without other health insurance. Each county's welfare office determines if an applicant meets the required income guidelines.


    • Applicants should contact their county's welfare office for a Medi-Cal application. After filling out the forms and supplying the required verifications, the welfare office typically processes the information within 45 days. For disabled applicants, the process could take up to 90 days because the welfare office needs extra information like medical records from doctors' offices. After the welfare office approves or denies an application, it sends the applicant a letter. Applicants can appeal denials up to the state level.


    • Medi-Cal benefits range from covered doctors' visits to drug and alcohol treatment and mental health services. Women can also receive prescription pills, along with vision and dental care. For women with chronic or complicated conditions, the state offers a medical case management service, under which a registered nurse works with the patient, acting as a case manager to ease treatment. The nurse helps expedite any necessary approvals for medical services, and also connects the patient to other available resources.


    • A woman whose income falls beneath Medi-Cal limits can receive the insurance for free. If her income falls beneath a second threshold, the welfare office determines a so-called share of cost, which functions like a deductible. Once a woman has met her share of cost for the month, Medi-Cal will pay any other eligible medical expenses during that month.

    Pregnancy Care

    • A second program that California bills as insurance for middle-income pregnant women helps expecting mothers who earn too much money to qualify for Medi-Cal but still lack affordable health care. California calls the program the Access for Infants and Mothers (AIM) Program. A woman can have other insurance and still qualify if her deductible for the baby's delivery would exceed $500. Through the related Healthy Families Program, an enrolled mother's young children can receive affordable medical care.

    Cancer Care

    • Medi-Cal also offers a Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program for low-income women who live in California and who have received a diagnosis of either of these diseases. The state pays for breast cancer treatments for up to 18 months and cervical cancer treatment for up to two years. Federal benefits continue through the entire treatment period, as long as the woman meets the eligibility requirements. Women can apply online, and benefits can begin immediately while the state determines eligibility.

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