Complex Cyst Perimenopause Symptoms
Complex Cysts
An ovarian cyst is either functional (follicular) or complex. Of the complex type, cysts can be cystasdenoma, endometrioma or dermoid (septated). A septated ovarian cyst is a form of complex ovarian cyst, containing a combination of semi-solid, solid and liquid components, similar to that of the other complex cysts. Unlike the others, a septated cyst is separated and typically identified as "two cysts in one." The severity of the cyst is determined upon the thickness of the wall that separates the two masses. The standard size of a complex ovarian cyst is usually 2-1/2cm and higher. But the average size of a healthy ovary is 3cm by 1-1/2 cm. Complex (septated) ovarian cysts have a higher risk of being malignant than simple (functional) ovarian cysts, because of septation, and the leaking of ascites. Functional cysts are cyclical because they form during new menstrual cycles. Complex cysts, however, can develop and remain, growing to astonishing sizes. Excessive pain is caused by the twisting of the ovaries as a result of inflammation and growth, as well as the leakage of free-flowing fluid into the basin of the pelvis.
Perimenopause can begin 10 to 15 years prior to menopause. The etymology of the word perimenopause stems from the Greek words peri- "before," mens- "monthly" and pausis- meaning "cessation." According to Perimenopause, the perimenopause stage is the process in which a woman's body prepares to enter menopause or the final and complete cessation of the menses. During this time, hormonal changes occur in the body, which causes a fluctuation in levels of reproductive hormones (estrogen and progesterone). These changes can occur 10 to 15 years before actually going through menopause.
Symptoms and Diagnoses
A ruptured cyst is painful, and can lead to other health problems if left untreated. Perimenopause symptoms include anxiety attacks, lack of concentration, memory loss, dizziness, heart palpitations, irregular, heavy bleeding (or no bleeding), unexplained weight gain, pelvic cramping, hot flashes and night sweats, gastro-intestinal problems, fatigue, headache, thinning of hair and many other ailments.
According to the website Complex Ovarian Cysts, signs of complex ovarian cysts are similar to those of endometriosis or ectopic pregnancy. Pain in the pelvic and abdominal area reaching even up to the thighs and the buttocks area is typical, as is irregularity in the period or menstrual cycle, along with pre- and postmenstrual pain (heavy bleeding or total absence of the period). There is also unexplained weight gain, pain during intercourse, lower back pain, and gastro-intestinal (digestive) problems, with fullness in the abdomen (distention of the belly). Immediate medical help should be taken upon the sudden increase in abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and other disabling symptoms. A transvaginal ultrasound can be performed for a scopic view of the ovaries, followed by a pregnancy test in order to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.
Remedies and Treatments
Complex ovarian cysts usually require surgical removal and follow-ups. Several holistic remedies can be used for perimenopause, including diet modification with the elimination of certain foods and drinks, such as caffeine, alcohol, and high acidic foods and drinks. A gynecologist can prescribe hormones to diminish some of the prolonged discomforts of the transition into menopause.
Because complex cysts are more serious than simple, follicular cysts, with the potential of becoming malignant, they must be monitored and tested. A CA-125 protein test can be administered to determine whether the cyst is malignant. As an option, a gynecologist might suggest an oophorectomy (removal of the affected ovary), or simply monitoring the cyst, as some cysts are reabsorbed into the blood system, thereby disappearing on their own. Overall, the physician is governed by the decision of the patient. A unilateral oophorectomy (removal of one ovary) does not hinder natural reproduction for those yet interested in bearing children, as one ovary is sufficient for conception, as long as the uterus and one fallopian tube remain intact.
Naturopathy and Complex Cysts
It is important to research treatments available and to maintain medical resources. Ruptured Ovarian provides resources regarding natural and holistic remedies for complex cysts. Although ROC promotes natural remedies, it also emphasizes the importance of biomedical intervention. "The diagnosis of a complex ovarian cyst should not be taken lightly and any persistent or sudden pain in your abdomen or pelvis warrants thorough medical investigation," according to the website. Lastly, ask thorough and precise questions. Be aggressive with your own treatment.