Reasons for Missed Menstral Cycle
Lifestyle Stress
Be it financial, emotional or work-related, stress can cause your body to do strange things, including inexplicably missing periods for several months at a time. Stress takes its toll on your body, causing you to worry excessively, which could manifest in loss of appetite, lack of sleep, depression and more. When you start to exhibit physical symptoms of stress, your entire system gets out of whack and you may find that you are menstruating less frequently or irregularly during these tumultuous times.
Formerly on Birth Control Pill
If you have been using birth control pills and recently stopped, your body may have difficult adjusting to life without them. You may find that you start getting periods again a month or two after you cease taking the pills, and stop again just a month or two after that. If you remain irregular for several months, particularly if you have any other odd symptoms, see your doctor for further testing and guidance.
This is the most obvious—and more common—reason for missing a menstrual cycle. Once conception has occurred, your body no longer ovulates, which means there is no menstrual period. In fact, missed cycles are generally one of the first indicators that you are pregnant.
Underlying Pelvic Disease
Pelvic problems medical in nature, such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, can cause missed menstrual cycles. Many of these diseases are hormonal in nature and can cause the entire pelvic area to be affected. If you miss more than two or three periods, this may be a sign that there is something else going on in your pelvic region.