Information on Spotting Between Cycles
Birth Control
Hormonal birth control such as pills, the Depo-Provera injection and intrauterine devices can cause a woman to bleed irregularly. Generally, when women start a new form of birth control, they are advised by their health care providers to wait three months to allow their bodies to adjust to the hormonal change. If bleeding continues after three months, their health care provider may suggest an alternate form of birth control.
Often as menopause approaches a woman's cycle will become irregular, making it difficult to track her periods and ovulation. Sometimes the woman may ovulate more than once and then go for an extended time without ovulating at all. Not only does the frequency of the periods change, but the duration and intensity may be affected as well. Therefore, a woman beginning to enter menopause may experience extremely light and unexpected periods that would be classified as spotting.
Sexually Transmitted Infections and Diseases
Irregular spotting is a sign of some sexually transmitted infections and diseases, including chlamydia and gonorrhea. When unexplained spotting occurs, any sexually active woman should consider the possibility of a sexually transmitted disease or infection and see her doctor to be properly diagnosed. Untreated STDs can cause irreversible damage to a woman's reproductive organs and overall health.
Early Pregnancy
On occasion, a woman may experience bleeding due to early pregnancy. Sometimes a fertilized egg that burrows into the uterine lining can cause a small amount of bleeding. This is referred to as implantation bleeding and often occurs between ovulation and the time when a woman would normally have her period. Pregnancy should always be considered in any sexually active women of child-bearing age. An undetected early pregnancy may cause bleeding if there is a complication such as an ectopic or miscarriage.
Rare Causes
Some rarer and more serious causes of unexpected spotting between periods is cancer of the reproductive organs, including the uterus and cervix. Diseases such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism may upset the natural balance of hormones and cause irregular spotting. Anatomical problems or trauma such as sexual abuse, urethral prolapse or an object lodged inside the vagina are also among the rarer causes of irregular bleeding. It is advisable that any woman who experiences unexplained vaginal bleeding consult a medical professional.