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How to Swim With Your Period and Pads
Things You'll Need
- Pads without wings
Line the crotch area of your swimsuit with a thin maxi pad without wings. The wings wrap around the crotch fabric of underwear (or a swimsuit), so you would not want to use winged pads on a swimsuit since they would be visible.
Put your swimsuit on the way you normally would. Adjust the pad inside your swimsuit to make sure it protects you adequately.
Swim in a lake, river or ocean while wearing a pad during your period. You may wish to limit the amount of time you spend in the water to make sure the pad does not become too saturated.
Change your pad immediately after you come out of the water. Discard the soaked pad and wear a fresh pad.
Repeat the process if you are in and out of the water several times.