Can Progesterone Cream Prevent Uterine Hyperplasia?

Endometrial hyperplasia occurs when there is too much growth of the womb's lining. A womb should be no thicker than 5 millimeters. Another name for this condition is endometrial hypertrophy. When hyperplasia occurs, it may strike only one isolated area of the womb or it can affect the entire uterine lining. This condition is not cancerous; however, it can result in changes to cells that predispose a woman to developing cancer later on in life. Hyperplasia is primarily the result of a hormonal imbalance that occurs when estrogen is dominant and progesterone, the other female sex hormone, is deficient, according to the Mayo Clinic.
  1. Effects

    • Progesterone can be used to offset the effects of estrogen dominance and its impact on the lining of your uterus, according to and Dr. Helen Leonetti. A study by Dr. Leonetti showed that progesterone cream can protect the endometrium, which is the uterine lining.


    • Progestins are the synthetic version of progesterone and can be prescribed for various reasons, including regulating heavy menstrual periods and regulating the menstrual cycle as well as controlling uterine tissue growth. Progestins are effective because this synthetic hormone results in changes to the uterus when taken. Progestins are prescribed for peri-menopausal women who are taking estrogen for ovarian hormone therapy (OHT) to prevent thickening of the uterine linining, or endometrial hyperplasia. Women who take hormone therapy, which contains estrogen, are apt to experience endometrial hyperplasia. Progestins can counteract that.


    • Progestins are available in a tablet, gel/jelly, capsule (liquid filled), suspension and cream. The oral form is taken for preventing endometrial hyperplasia. Medroxyprogesterone is generally take day 10 through 14 (or more days per month if directed by your doctor) while estrogen is taken days 1 to 25. The dosage is 5 to 10 milligrams of medroxyprogesterone. However, your doctor may prefer that you take 2.5 or 5 mg per day without stopping.


    • The side effects of taking progestins can include dizziness or drowsiness. Some women experience unexpected or unusual vaginal bleeding between their regular periods during the first three months of using progestins. If this continues for a long time, discuss it with your doctor. If you suspect that you have become pregnant while taking progestins, immediately stop taking it. Before undergoing laboratory tests, tell the lab tech that you are taking progestins because this hormone can alter test results. You may experience bleeding, swelling- and tenderness of the gums. Do not use any other vaginal products for six hours if you have used vaginal progesterone.


    • Progestins may cause non-permanent thinning of the bones because the hormone changes your hormonal balance. Avoid drinking too much caffeine, alcohol and smoking while taking progestins because these activities can put you at further risk for osteoporosis or thin bones.

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