How to Increase Milk Production
Feed your baby more often. Offer her your breast every two hours. This encourages more frequent feeding, which in turn stimulates milk supply. If she seems sleepy pick her up and hold her in an upright position for a few minutes before letting her nurse.
Allow your baby to nurse on one side until he has finished that breast, then switch him to the other side. Don't time him on each side as he may not get all the milk that way. If the breast is completely emptied each time it will help to increase the milk production.
Undress your baby, leaving her diaper on, and hold her bare skin against yours. For a sleepy or relaxed nurser this can help to stimulate her and she will nurse more completely. If she still wants to doze off while eating, switch her from one breast to the other when it seems the pace of her feeding has slowed. Burp her, change her or sit her up when switching sides. Milk production is supply and demand, so the more she eats the more your body will make.
Carry your baby in a sling around the house between his regular feedings. Have his bare skin against yours. Keep him close to your breast as you move about. Carry him with you even when he is napping. Allow him to nurse any time he wants to. Switch the position of the sling periodically so he can nurse equally form both breasts.
Nurse your baby until she seems done, then carry her around with you, burp her and change her if necessary. Keep her awake for 10 to 20 minutes. Hold her upright as you move, giving her a chance to burp as much as possible while helping her to stay more alert. Feed her again from both breasts before you put her down for a nap. Repeat this process as often as possible and your milk production will increase.