What Is Abnormal Hair Growth in Women?
Women with abnormal hair growth may have coarse, dark hair above the lips and on the chin, chest, abdomen and back, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
High androgen, or male sex hormone, levels in women can cause hirsutism. Disorders such as polycystic ovary syndrome, Cushing's syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, and tumors can sometimes cause high androgen levels that lead to abnormal hair growth. Medications may also be to blame. Many times the cause of hirsutism is not known.
Unwanted hair can be removed through electrolysis, laser therapy or home treatments like waxing, plucking or shaving. Prescription medications used to treat hirsutism include oral contraceptives, anti-androgens and the cream eflornithine.
Unless abnormal hair growth is caused by a medical condition that requires treatment, it is not a serious problem, but some women may feel embarrassed by the condition.
Women with abnormal hair growth should see a doctor if they notice, hair growth that seems to be caused by a medication, rapid abnormal hair growth, gradual hair growth with abnormal periods, or development of a deeper voice voice or other male features.