Natural Progesterone in the Treatment of Osteoporosis
- agrees that there is no medical evidence to back up the theory that progesterone supplementation will reduce the risk of osteoporosis, which is porous bone disease.
On the other hand, recommends that postmenopausal women should use up to one teaspoon of progesterone cream on a daily basis for three weeks out of each month to ward off osteoporosis.
Progesterone Versus Estrogen
Progesterone, unlike estrogen, aids the growth of new bones. maintains that progesterone cream will increase bone mass and may reverse osteoporosis that is already present.
Increase in Bone Density
The late Dr. John Lee, who was a pioneer in progesterone research, found that bone density increased annually by 3 to 5 percent until it stabilized at the bone density levels of a woman who is 35 years old when progesterone was used, notes
More Research Needed
However, adds that further research needs to be done before the safety and efficacy of progesterone for osteoporosis prevention is known for sure.