Is Donating Eggs Painful?
Stopping the Normal Cycle
Once a woman has been selected as a donor, she may be prescribed a medication for up to two weeks to temporarily stop her ovaries from functioning normally. This makes it easier to control a patient's response to fertility drugs, but it can also cause hot flashes, body aches and mood swings, among other minor reactions.
Daily Injections
The next medication to be prescribed will stimulate the ovaries to mature more eggs than normal. These medications must be injected, either under the skin or into a muscle, for about 10 days.
The eggs need to be removed from the ovaries in a surgical procedure called transvaginal ovarian aspiration. Though it takes only 15 to 20 minutes, there is a needle and suction, as well as painkillers and sedatives involved in the process. Most doctors advise patients to restrict normal activities while they recover.
After needle insertion into the ovary, bleeding might occur. In other rare cases, the bowel, bladder or nearby blood vessels might also be punctured, causing internal bleeding or damage to the pelvic organs.
Egg donors can experience a range of emotions and reactions before, during and after the egg donation process. Reproductive health experts advise potential donors to talk to other women who have done it, as well as commit to extensively researching different egg donation centers before making a decision.