How to Get Rid of Candida
Get Rid of Candida
Try an over-the-counter treatment, such as Monistat. These treatments usually involve a combination of internal and external creams or suppositories, and they can be used for any length of time from one to seven days, depending on the variety you choose. The advantage to this type of medication is that you do not have to wait for a doctor's appointment before treating your candida yeast infection. The downside is that you may mistake a yeast infection for something more serious. In that case, taking an OTC medication can delay treatment for your actual condition.
See your doctor for a prescription. Your doctor can prescribe a stronger form of the OTC treatments you might find at the store. In addition, she can be sure that what you have truly is a candida yeast infection and to ensure that you are treating the right condition.
If your child has oral candida (thrush) or a diaper rash, your doctor can prescribe Nystatin cream or oral treatments to cure this condition. -
Eat yogurt. Yogurt contains healthy bacteria that work against the yeast in your system and destroy it. Eating yogurt on a regular basis can help to prevent yeast infections in the first place; eating yogurt while you have a yeast infection can help you get rid of the candida in your system.