Home Remedies for Feminine Itching & Burning
A number of homemade tonics can be applied to the affected area to help reduce the inflammation and soothe the irritated tissues. For example, fill your tub with just enough water to cover the vagina and stir in one-half cup of apple cider vinegar and one-half cup of salt. Lower yourself into the tub and soak for 30 minutes. The combination of weak acid and sodium ions should kill any surface bacteria while the warmth from the water helps to increase circulation, reducing any swelling.
For a simpler solution, place a damp tea bag against the affected area and hold it in place for 15 minutes. The tannins in the tea will stop the itch. For an added effect, place moist tea bags in the refrigerator prior to application. The lower temperature will help to cool the skin, reducing the burning sensation.
When fighting a vaginal infection, drink at least four ounces of pure cranberry juice each day. Cranberries contain a natural antibiotic to help rid your system of harmful invaders. Including one cup of yogurt in your daily diet can help prevent mild vaginal infections that lead to itching and burning. Be sure to choose a brand that contains active yogurt cultures as this inclusion works to bolster your immune system. Additionally, increase your intake of foods high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries and broccoli.
To prevent a recurrence of your symptoms, be sure you are moving front to back when wiping. When shopping, choose white, unscented toilet paper; the perfumes used to scent tissue and the dyes used to color it can cause an allergic reaction. Also, try not to wear undergarments made of synthetic materials, such as nylon. Bubble baths and wet clothing can also contribute to vaginal irritation, as can improper drying after bathing. To be certain you are thoroughly dried, turn your hair dryer on low and aim it at your genital region.