Gardnerella Infections
The primary symptom of a Gardnerella vaginalis infection is a gray or yellow discharge with a musty or fishy odor. The infection may cause itching or may be non-irritating.
Affected Population
Young adult women, especially sexually active women, are most likely to acquire this type of infection. However, any woman can get it.
About half of adult women have Gardnerella vaginalis bacteria in their vaginas, according to It usually is transmitted by sexual activity, but also appears in women who have never been sexually active. Gardnerella vaginalis normally is kept in check by friendly bacteria.
Vaginal bacteria levels can be disrupted by antibiotic use, douching, tampons, diaphragms, contraceptive sponges, intrauterine contraceptive devices and contraceptive gels or foam.
The usual treatment is 500 mg of metronidazole twice daily for six days. Any sexual partners should also be treated so no re-infection or further infections occur. Douching removes the discharge temporarily but does not cure the infection.