How to Paint a Vinyl Gym Mat
Things You'll Need
- Disinfectant cleaner
- Acrylic-based latex spray or liquid paint
- Paint brush
- Spray sealant (optional)
Clean and disinfect the gym mat, especially if it has been previously used. You can use a commercial product intended for gym accessories, such as E-Lete One Step, Whizzer Cleaner or Mueller Sani-Cloth Plus. Such products are both detergents and virucidal disinfectants, which is crucial in a warm and moist gym environment. Alternatively, you may use a homemade mixture of 10 parts water to one part bleach.
Allow the mat to dry thoroughly. If the mat is in an enclosed room, such as a fitness room, open the windows and turn on any available air ventilation systems (e.g. air conditioners or fans). Allow the mat to dry for 24 hours, as the vinyl may retain some moisture that will prevent the paint from adhering.
Apply a single coat of acrylic latex paint using a paint brush. Acrylic latex is strong enough to bond with the vinyl mat, while an oil-based paint would peel off quickly. The latex component of the paint will also give the paint elasticity so it won't crack when the mat is in use.
Try using an acrylic spray paint. Spray paint does not provide as much coverage as an application of liquid paint. But it allows the painter to cover more square footage faster. And spray paint will not feel as sticky to perspiring skin as a thicker coat of paint would.