Peduncular Fibroid Tumor

Fibroid tumors, also called uterine fibroids, are noncancerous growths that can develop either inside or outside of the uterus. Pedunculated tumors are a type of fibroid that can provoke severe side effects in some individuals.
  1. The Facts

    • Unlike other types of fibroids, pedunculated fibroids hang from a long stalk attached to the uterine surface, according to Medline Plus. They can form either inside the uterine cavity or on the exterior of the uterus.

    Blood Vessel Blockage

    • In some cases, pedunculated fibroids twist on their stalks and block the blood vessels supplying the fibroids.

    Medical Attention

    • The loss of blood supply in a twisted pedunculated fibroid can trigger intense, sudden lower abdominal pain, according to the Mayo Clinic. Women experiencing this sort of pain should seek medical attention as soon as possible.


    • Relief of pedunculated fibroid pain may require surgery. Surgical options for fibroid treatment include removal that leaves the uterus intact (myomectomy) and fibroid removal accompanied by removal of the uterus (hysterectomy).

    Additional Treatments

    • The Mayo Clinic cites other methods of destroying or shrinking fibroid tumors that include blockage of arteries supplying the uterus (embolization), destruction of the uterine lining (ablation) and myolysis, which uses lasers or electrical current to directly damage the fibroids.

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