What Are the Dangers of Underwire?
Why Bras Have Underwire
Underwire bras were developed with the sole purpose of providing added support to both to the woman and bra itself.
Physical Effects of Underwire
The wire under a bra presses directly on two neurolymphatic reflexes. One reflex lies under the right breast and leads to the liver and gall bladder, while the reflex under the left breast goes to the stomach. Pressure on these points at first create a stimulating affect, but over time decrease the function of these organs. Some doctors believe the rate of breast cancer in the West is higher than in other regions of the world due to poorly fitting bras, with underwire posing a primary concern. As bras place pressure on the lymph nodes and block the lymph glands from draining, toxins are not freely removed from the body, possibly increasing the risk of breast cancer. It is also believed that bras cause the breasts to overheat, causing impaired health much like tight briefs lower sperm count in men.
How Well Does Your Bra Fit?
The next time you take your bra off, look in the mirror for red lines. Check under each breast, along the sides, and on top of your shoulders. Ill-fitting bras leave pressure marks and may constrict lymph flow and circulation. It is recommended that women remove their bra for at least 12 hours in each 24-hour period. Better breast health is just around the corner by doing two simple things: 1) Purchase bras without wire; and 2) cut the fabric at the end of your current underwire and slip the wire out.