Signs & Symptoms of Gas Pains in Pregnancy
Abdominal Cramping
One of the first signs of gas during pregnancy is abdominal cramping. When gas collects in the intestines, it can cause minor to severe cramping that may resemble menstrual pain. Women often mistake gas pain for pre-labor contractions and become worried that they are having a miscarriage. To save a trip to the doctor, look for other warning signs of miscarriage such as bleeding and hip and lower back pain.
Flatulence, sometimes referred as "passing gas" or "farting," is the result of extra gas accumulation in the stomach or intestines. Flatulence is composed of nitrogen, methane, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen, which are actually odorless. The gas picks up the sulfur odor as it travels through the anus, which contains sulfur-emitting bacteria. Flatulence usually increases during pregnancy and can be quite embarrassing. Reducing the amount of gas-causing foods and soda can help control flatulence.
Bloating is one of the most common signs of gas during pregnancy. It is a very uncomfortable "full" feeling. Bloating is the result of hormone-induced gas accumulation. An expecting mother may see physical signs of bloating such as abdominal swelling. Don't be alarmed--bloating is very normal despite how uncomfortable it may feel. Drinking plenty of water and eating smaller meals can help ease the discomfort.