Non-Surgical Treatment to Shrink a Fibroid Tumor
Hormonal medications that can help reduce the size of a fibroid tumor include gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) agonists, a progestin-releasing intrauterine device (IUD) and androgens, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Hormones used in the treatment of fibroids limit the action of female hormones, as female hormones encourage the growth of fibroids.
Non-surgical, hormonal treatment is normally only used to shrink fibroids before surgery or if a woman is near menopause, at which times fibroids shrink.
Taking androgens to shrink fibroids may produce side effects, such as increase in weight, feelings of depression, anxiety, uneasiness (dysphoria), acne, headaches, hair growth and a deeper voice, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Every woman with fibroids has different symptoms and manifestations, so a doctor can best help individual patients decide what treatments are appropriate for them personally.