Late and Irregular Menstruation
If you are pregnant, one of the first signs may be a late period.
Medical Conditions
Some medical conditions that can cause late or irregular periods include polycystic ovarian syndrome, hormonal imbalances, premature ovarian failure or pituitary diseases.
Stress or Illness
Stress, illness or even changes in routine may cause a period to be late or irregular.
Weight Changes
Sudden weight loss or gain can cause changes in the menstrual cycle.
Changes in medication, or use of birth control or other contraception, may cause late or irregular menstruation.
Life Cycle Changes
When a young girl first starts having her period, it will often be irregular. During the first two years of menstruation, it is normal for a girl to have irregular or missed periods. Likewise, when a woman is nearing menopause, her periods may become irregular. Her menstrual cycle may come to a sudden stop, or slow down gradually.