Why Women Need Progesterone Bioidentical Hormone Replacement
Progesterone is a hormone produced naturally by the ovaries that facilitates a wide range of bodily functions. Women with an insufficient amount may suffer from thyroid disease, low libido, difficulty sleeping, blood clotting problems, depression and miscarriage, according to bodylogicmd.com.
What Is It
Bioidentical progesterone is a hormone that is produced in a lab and has the same chemical and molecular structure as progesterone produced by the body. Bioidentical hormones are easily metabolized by the body, which reduces the number of possible side effects they may produce.
Who Needs It
Women who have a hormonal imbalance may require bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Most commonly, women experiencing perimenopause, menopause, irregular periods, severe PMS or uterine fibroids who are not producing an adequate amount of progesterone may benefit from BHRT, according to myidenticalhormones.com.
Bioidentical progesterone may be prescribed in capsules, cream or gel form. Women who suffer from anxiety, mood swings or difficulty sleeping may benefit from the oral form of bioidentical progesterone.
Bioidentical progesterone is considered safer than synthetic hormone replacement therapy, according to womentowomen.com. The structure of bioidentical progesterone is identical to progesterone produced naturally by the body, which helps it to follow the same metabolic pathways as one's own hormones.