How to Clear Out Fallopian Tubes With Hsg
HSG Process
Undergo a pap smear to ensure that you're a candidate for a HSG test. Be sure to consult with your gynecologist if you're currently suffering from a medical condition, such as a sexually transmitted disease or chronic pelvic infection. An existing medical condition can make an HSG procedure difficult to perform.
Empty your bowels the night before your procedure. According to, a radiology info site for patients, using a laxative or enema can help clear the bowels, providing better images for your radiologist.
Take a sedative or pain medication as prescribed by your gynecologist prior to your procedure. This will help prevent pain and spasm development within your fallopian tubes while the procedure is being performed.
Try to relax on the exam table during your HSG test. A catheter with dye will be inserted into your cervix and uterine cavity.
Lie still for a few minutes as the dye is flushed through your fallopian tubes. Allow your gynecologist or radiologist to take X-rays of your fallopian tubes once the dye has been injected.
Remain still on the exam table after you have finished the procedure, to help alleviate cramping. Ask your gynecologist to review the X-rays with you to ensure that the procedure was a success.