Hormone Replacement Therapy in Surgical Menopause
Symptoms of menopause include hot flashes, loss of libido, memory lapses, vaginal dryness and many more, and they are the same for women going through natural or surgical menopause.
Expert Insight
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology examined the risk of HRT on the benefits of oophorectomy. Short-term HRT did not negatively impact the results of the surgery.
Even though HRT replaces the hormones that are usually produced by the ovaries, the amount of hormones given to women after surgery are less than what the ovaries secrete before menopause.
HRT Options
There are several HRTs available for women with surgical menopause, according to Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered. The choice depends on a woman’s symptoms and how extensive the surgery was (i.e. if she still has her uterus).
Most research studies that have been done on the effects of HRT on menopausal women have not included patients who underwent surgical menopause and risks of HRT for surgical menopause are uncertain.