Why Uterine Fibroids Cause Pain

Some women have fibroids and don’t even know it because the fibroids don’t create any problems or pain. However, other women are definitely aware that there is something going on because they are symptomatic and experiencing pain.
  1. Location

    • Fibroids can result in pain in your legs and back because they can put pressure on your bladder. When a large fibroid is positioned at the back surface of your uterus this can result in back pain. If the fibroid is small and not located at the back of the uterus this may not cause pain although you may experience a dull, aching sensation.


    • A submucosal fibroid is one that forms under the endometrium, which is the uterine lining. At times, a submucosal fibroid can get so big that it pushes the uterine lining out of place. These fibroids can develop stalks, according to Submucosalfibroid.com This type of fibroid can occasionally protrude into the vaginal canal and result in obstructive symptoms, even causing the uterus to invert and block the bladder and rectum. This can result in constipation and inability to urinate.

    Clotting and Cramping

    • Submucosal fibroids can also lead to clots, which can result in pain and cramping because a woman’s body tries to remove the fibroids on its own and the subsequent contractions can feel comparable to a labor pain.

    Difficulty Eliminating

    • When a fibroid presses against the nerves and muscles in your lower back this is going to cause pain. If a fibroid presses against your rectum, this will cause a sensation of rectal fullness and it may be difficult for you to go to the bathroom with straining. Hemorrhoids may develop as a result.

    Cell Death

    • When a fibroid goes through a process called degeneration, or death of the fibroid, this can cause pain. Fibroids are living tissue. They need oxygen and blood to live. When oxygen and blood are cut off, the cell dies and chemical substances are produced that can cause swelling and pain in the uterus, according to Fibroidsecondopinion.com.

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