Adrenal Gland & Menopause
The adrenal glands allow us to respond effectively to both short and long-term stress. These glands produce the “fight or flight” response when we are in a dangerous situation.
The adrenal glands are important when a woman is in menopause and her ovaries no longer produce adequate amounts of estrogen. They try to pick up the slack and assume a crucial role in hormone synthesis as ovarian function comes to a stop.
Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal fatigue often occurs during menopause and is a complex problem that results in poor stamina and an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion. It may also occur as the result of too much stress, work and anxiety.
Fatigue can also be caused by dropping levels of estrogen. This happens when cortisol, a stress hormone that is released by the adrenal glands and causes fatigue, is no longer kept under control by estrogen.
Vitamin C is essential for ideal functioning of the adrenal glands. Also important is Vitamin B-5 or pantothenic acid. This is believed to help ease your body’s transition from depending on the ovaries for estrogen production to alternative sites within the body where hormone synthesis can occur, which includes muscle tissue, according to Holly Zapt of